Pay for Intensive Spring 2021
The first course in the series, “Dye Secrets” divulges Natalie Redding’s secrets to achieving the “Three D’s of color:” Depth, Dimension, and Delineation. This is a special SHORT COURSE; Dyeing Intensive which will be taught over 3 days instead of 7 weeks. In addition to the 3 main classes (May 28/29/30), there will be 2 study sessions (time and dates to be announced). This Redding Method Dyeing intensive will cover the revised material included in Dye Secrets but in a shorter amount of time. Each class will be approximately 3 hours long and taught in a LIVE online format where you can ask questions in real time. While this session of Dye secrets is abbreviated, it will fulfill the requirements as a prerequisite to enroll in Color Me Beautiful.
Dye Secrets teaches the proprietary dyeing methods of Natalie Redding. Whether you’re a very experienced dyer or brand new, you’ll learn incredibly valuable information which is scientifically sound, and taught in a way which is easy to apply and understand. “Dye Secrets” is a great foundational class, once completed, you’ll be one of the few who truly knows the “what, why, when, how” of dyeing. It will take the mystery of unintended results out or your dyeing and make achieving consistency easy. None of the techniques taught in Dye Secrets are common knowledge and each session will help increase confidence and freedom in any person’s dyeing experience.
All of the classes are recorded during the live feed and available to students for a one month after the last main class. Students will be able to view them an unlimited amount of times during those 30 days (ending June 30, 2020). To enroll, please use button below.
May 28, 2021-12:30 pm PDT
Class 1; Part A-On Your Mark! The things you need, the things you don’t, misconceptions.
Class 1; Part B-Redding Method; Tenets, Doctrines, Theories
Class 1; Part C-Mother Of All
May 29, 2021-12:30 pm PDT
Class 2; Part A-Chemistry of Dyes
Class 2; Part B-Chinese Food Method
May 30, 2021-12:30 pm PDT
Class 3; Part A-Feathering
Class 3 Part B-Overdyeing-Fixing MIstakes