Silk Revealed!
Join us for the only online comprehensive silk class available in an interactive live format. This 5 class series begins October 12th with classes between 1-1.5 hours in length. During the live feed class, you’ll learn about forms of silk, species or silkworms and the science behind the fiber. Not only will you learn scientific facts, but also practical applications of degumming, Redding Method of dyeing silk and during the last class, MANY different silk hand spinning techniques. While all classes are live, they are taped in case you miss the live feed. You can view any of the classes as many times as you like for one week after the original airing. This is the first offering of Silk Revealed, be ahead of the curve and join us this fall! For enrollment info, please check Enroll!

Class 1:
Economically significant silkworm genus and species.
Lifecycle of the silkworm and why this matters.
Forms of silk and the scientific facts about silk that matter.
Debunking common myths about silk; know what to believe.
Knowing what form of silk is best for you and best for your needs; don’t waste money buying the wrong grade or form.
Class 2:
What degumming is and why it matters.
Understanding pH in the degumming and handling process.
Alkaline or Acid or Both; what to worry about.
We will actually degum our own cocoons!
Class 3:
Principles of Redding Method for dyeing silk.
Chemistry of dyes.
Types of dyes silk likes, uses etc…
Dyeing the cocoons which you degummed.
Class 4:
Preliminary dye set up.
Using different techniques for mawata and brick.
Setting up for mawata.
Dyeing mawata.
Setting up for dyeing brick.
Dyeing brick.
Class 5:
Talking about the properties of silk that make you choose what method.
Using cocoons as add ins.
Spinning degummed cocoons.
Spinning mawata.
Spinning brick.
Spinning sliver.