Master Dyer Diploma
Founded in 2015, Redding Method “Master Dyer” is the first comprehensive program of its kind. Just like any in depth validation process, the curriculum is rigorous. In addition to satisfactory completion of all three Redding Method Courses i.e. Dye Secrets, Color Me Beautiful and Colorways, there is a comprehensive final exam which must be passed with a 75% or above. Further, for any diploma’d Master Dyer or Certified Redding Method Teacher to achieve and continue their certification, they must be in good standing which includes upholding ethical standards.
For students interested in obtaining their Master Dyer Diploma, the series begins with the “Dye Secrets” class; An introduction to dyeing protein fibers. This teaches unique and fool proof methods to create stunning dyed fiber using Redding Method proprietary techniques. The second course in the series is, “Color Me Beautiful.” This is a class with more advanced methodology for creating special dyeing effects such as well defined iridescences and incredibly delicate pastels. The third and final class in the program is the “Colorways” class. During this course, Natalie shares her most lucrative colorways and teaches innovative techniques to create them. Learning these prized recipes solidifies the principles and gives the students skills to design their own treatments.
On completion of all three courses (and receiving a 75% or above on the comprehensive final exam), you’ll receive your Master Dyer embossed diploma! Having your diploma gives a great sense of pride and with it, you’ll be able to tout your accomplishment as one of the relatively few Redding Method Master Dyers.
While Redding Method is focused on ensuring that each and every course participant learns the skills needed to pass the courses and gain their certification, there will be some standout students. Those students who pass the program with distinction (85% and above on comprehensive final) will be invited to participate in a further intensive, small group teacher training course. Those who are invited and complete the Teacher Trainer Certification program will be authorized to teach Redding Method. Teachers will be given a curriculum and continuing support so they may succeed in their teaching endeavors. Once the students are Certified Redding Method teachers, there will be yearly continuing education hours as well as adherence to a code of ethics.