Florida Retreat with Debra Lambert; Picasso’s Moon
Picasso's Moon 200 Sth Washington BLVD Suite 5, Sarasota, Florida]
Join me in Nebraska for Redding Method of Dyeing. You'll be amazed at what you'll learn and we hope to see you there!
Join me at this very prestigious event, CAMP STITCHES. This is a weeklong adventure and you'll learn an amazing amount. I'm honored to be invited to teach...
Brief lecture on the history of binding and tying. Moving on to explaining Redding Method approach to protein dyes on silk and the way they interact. Beginning folding techniques plus dyeing 2 sample scarves.
Brief lecture on Shibori type of techniques and options. Discussing layering, binding, stitching, puckering vs folding and what to expect. The last part of class is showing the dyeing in a more traditional Shibori fashion and how you must layer the dyes. Explaining options to the tying and binding and showing you cool techniques.
Brief lecture on Tie dye et al... Students will learn how to bind in a more traditional tie dye fashion. There are ways to recreate shapes by scrunching, fold silk and create ornate Mandalas, Spirals and more. This is one of my favorite parts of Nabori but also one of the most challenging.
I'll be at Stitches Midwest, stay tuned for classes.
Annual event; this year, Yarn Dyeing Like an Indie Dyer
Study session #4