Yarn Dyeing Class 3

Class 3; Thursday, January 11,  2018 10:30 am PST: Glaze (part 2), speckle dyed, gradient

Yarn Dyeing Class 4

Class 4; Friday, January 12, 2018 10:30 am:  Self striping yarn.  This class can be fairly mind stretching (come to class rested.)

Colorways Main Class (7)

Ardis!  This is a very very very hard color way...  but you can do it!


Please join me for STITCHES WEST.  There are still class openings for an additional class of Nabori!  For more information, please contact me at Workshops.  


Join me at Stitches United in Hartford, Conn.  My classes are open for enrollment and if you have any questions, please contact me at Workshops!

Mid Plains Fiber Fair

York County Fairgrounds York, NE, United States

Join me in Nebraska for Redding Method of Dyeing. You'll be amazed at what you'll learn and we hope to see you there!