Level 1; Dye Secrets For MAY 2021 INTENSIVE, PLEASE GO HERE
The first course in the series, “Dye Secrets” divulges Natalie Redding’s secrets to achieving the “Three D’s of color:” Depth, Dimension, and Delineation. Learn from the originator of the processes in a live online format which also includes live study sessions for each class. “Dye Secrets” is the foundation for the remainder of the courses and covers techniques that teach how to achieve incredible vibrance of color in several different methods. None of these techniques are common knowledge and each one will help to increase confidence and freedom in a persons dyeing experience.
As all courses in the series, “Dye Secrets” includes at total of 14 classes all of which are live and in real time. There are 7 main classes where questions can be asked in chat while the class is in session. Each main class has a live study session the following week before the main class. This allows for students to try the preceding weeks techniques and ask in depth questions without the distraction of trying to learn at the same time. These study sessions are extremely valuable and ultimately increase a students success. All of the classes are recorded during the live feed and available to students for a short time after the initial session.